• Contact people's mobile devices via Bluetooth by using camera or received photos.
• Instant messaging and public data access.
• Support for social networks, popular blogging platforms, messaging services and payment systems.
• One-tap import to "Contacts".
• A fully-customizable business card.
• Personal communities – a globally available trust/access control system "in your pocket".
★ Extra feature – specifically for event managers: it can quickly provide information to visitors about any participant whose face they see. No QR-codes are needed!
It doesn't store your personal information anywhere except your own mobile device. Everything, including such sensitive data as your biometrics, is located on your device only.

There may be people around you who use Speciface to provide their contact information or other data via Bluetooth. This application offers you two ways to point the person of interest: using a camera or the gallery of locally accessible users. Take/pick a photo and all the information provided will be on your screen in a moment.
You should be aware that it may be preferable for some people to exchange a couple of messages with a stranger before deciding to speak in person or share own contact details. Another good idea is to specify some tricky question that should be asked on every incoming request. However, the requesting party can also start a conversation – just enter your greeting before making a request.

Quite often people want to provide information about themselves to a person nearby. Speciface offers an easy way to do it: with a single tap you can share your data at someone's request – quickly and safely. Besides, at certain events you may simply allow Speciface to give out your data to everybody around without the need of your intervention. Another useful option is to share your photo with everyone around you so that they can contact you when they find it in the gallery of accessible users.
When the data is received, one can simply tap on the icons to read your blog, send a message, make a call, or just tap on the photo to save everything in own "Contacts". Users can also create their own groups of users – "communities". This powerful feature lets everyone know if a nearby person belongs to a particular group – anytime, anywhere.

To pass on your own business card of high quality and exquisite design is always a pleasure. However, it's not the most convenient way to access contact information. Now you can offer a "virtual" equivalent of your business card: it provides the same freedom for design along with an unprecedented level of usability.
The same "business card" functionality can also be used to create individual cards for your employees. Depending on the type of your business it may be useful to show their duties and competences to your clients or customers when needed, as well as to simply inform of your special offers, etc.

Traditionally, on such events, as exhibitions or conferences, all participants are equipped with badges, which give some information about them. Speciface offers a special feature for event managers, which will enable them to provide much more to event visitors in a more convenient way: in order to get the information about any participant, each visitor only needs to use the Speciface application to take a photo of a participant's face (or its image).
Though Speciface provides all the information to users by means of near-field communications, event managers are free to use as many communication devices as they need to cover the whole area where particular event takes place.
How it works
This service is a new method to exchange people's personal information in a face-to-face manner. How does it work? Just take a look at this quick introduction.
Safe discoverability
Here you will find everything about all available discoverability options and the data access policies. Please, follow these simple recommendations for your safety.
Wouldn't it be great to have own globally available trust/access control system "in a pocket"? Just read this guide about creating and managing personal communities.
Business cards
Business card is a quite flexible feature, thus, these tips and guidelines may be useful. There is also something you need to know about privacy and publicity.
Trustworthy data
Each time you get some information, you need to be sure of its true origin. Could this data be sent by someone else around? Is it possible to forge it? All answers are here.
We have no secrets
No system is absolutely safe. In order to be sure, that the whole technology is reliable enough, the developers made it publicly available. It's explained here in detail.